“Among the finest of England’s small country towns”

“Pevsner describes Beverley as “among the finest of England’s small country towns, yet it is one of the least well known”. He is right about that: in addition to the extensive evidence of medieval building, apart from the minster itself, there is some of the finest provincial Georgian architecture.”

In February 2021, the much acclaimed writer, Simon Heffer wrote this in an article for The Telegraph with the headline –

I know where I’m going as soon as lockdown is lifted
Beverley Minster offers a fascinating lesson in the history of British architecture

He went on to say:

“Being so near the east coast, Beverley appears to have been prey to a Viking raid, as near the site of the minister there have been discovered the remains of an earlier church that appears to have dated from between 700 and 850. A new collegiate church was probably founded in the 10th century, and the town was the site of the tomb of St John of York, an eighth-century bishop canonised in 1037, and became a place of pilgrimage. By the 12th century, the town had two market places and was immensely prosperous; its wealth is clearly visible in its minster.”

“Beverley [Minster] is a cathedral-sized church, and when one walks through the west door the effect is of entering such a building; one is impressed above all by the height, with its fine quadripartite vaulting. Beverley Minster may well for many be the sort of building they rather took for granted when it was easily accessible; when once more it is open, and we are free to travel, it would be an ideal destination to celebrate our restored freedom.”