

The Objects are specifically restricted to such purposes which are exclusively charitable under the laws of England and Wales as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine, including (but not limited to):

  1. to preserve for the public benefit the churches known as Beverley Minster (being the Parish Church of St John and St Martin, Beverley) and St Mary’s Church, Beverley (together, the Churches), by the restoration, preservation, maintenance, improvement, repair, conservation, beautification and reconstruction and improved management of the Churches and of monuments, fittings, fixtures, stained glass, furniture, ornaments and chattels in the Churches and in the churchyards and other land and buildings belonging to the Churches;
  2. the advancement of education of the public by:
    • the promotion of the Churches as places of heritage with historic and architectural value;
    • facilitating an improved understanding of the heritage of the two churches;
    • the provision for the development of skills (including but not limited to restoration, research, heritage and public relations)
  3. the promotion of the arts for the public benefit in Beverley and surrounding area by facilitating and hosting arts events, particularly but not limited to, those involving music and literature.