The Project Aims

Our project seeks to save Beverley’s priceless heritage and keep its historic buildings open and free to visit for everyone


This is a huge project and we have set ourselves the target of raising £20 million over a ten-year period.


What is the need?

The Minster needs essential repairs to the leaking roof and windows.

St Mary’s needs urgent repairs to its stonework and to replace the organ.

We need to preserve and grow the Music and Learning opportunities.

We must also keep the buildings open for people seeking sanctuary.

What are we doing about it?

We have been proactive and have to date raised some £4.6 million from 23 grants together with very generous personal donations.

The next phase seeks to raise £1.5 million by the end of 2022 to repair the Retroquire roof and stonework of the Minster and stonework repairs of St Mary’s south transept. The Retroquire is at the east end of the Minster and its roof protects a key part of the building. St Mary’s clerestory faces Hengate and North Bar Within so is the part of the church most visible to the town centre.